Access Control Systems

Finding an access control solution for your business or agency can be daunting. There is an endless number of solutions on the market and finding the right one can be a dificult process. There's more to access control than just the readers, there's the servers, the licensing, the key cards/fobs, and of course the door locks themselves. Access control is a dificult and potentially dangerous thing to DIY. Whats worse, there are a lot of IT companies that don't understand how to do this properly. Inexperienced installers often don't consider the life safety implications of a system that holds the doors closed in an emergency. Fail secure systems like mag locks can trap people inside in the event of a power outage, and keep first responders out in an emergency. There is a careful balance of what can be used where and the solutions used to implement it. Here's what we offer and how it can benefit your business or agency.

Quality Readers
Finding the right readers for your application can be challenging. We have seen and worked with a number of amazing brands, but our go-to is 2n Access Control. 2n (An Axis Company) brings years of experience in perimeter security and gate control to it's door access systems. The 2n solutions house the reader and it's brain in one unit and uses industry standard network protocols which reduces install time and allows the system to be tied into existing network infrastructure.
Secure Reader Installation

Proper installation of the card readers is essential to building security. If a reader's wiring is easily identified and accessible, it significantly increases the risk of the door locks being tampered with. We ensure readers are mounted flush against wall or door frame surfaces. We also ensure all wiring is run inside of door frames, walls, or ceiling spaces. In exposed areas wiring is run inside of conduit or concealed appropriately where required to keep your building secure.

Door Lock Selection & Installation

Door lock selection can be tricky, but is one of the most important aspects of an access control system. What are you trying to secure? Does the door have a way out in an emergency? Does it need to stay locked in a power outage? Some lock types can be very dangerous, so we work with you to select the right locks and properly implement life safety practices without compromising security.

Access Managment Software

For basic installations, 2n offers a free cloud offering called my2n. This has worked well for many of our customers as it's multi site and multi reader capable. It's license free for basic access needs and fits the bill for many customers. However, if your system needs more, the 2n Access Commander server and software are available for on-prem installation. Allowing implementation of video, bluetooth & biometric credential access, elevator controls, time based scheduling, centralised device management and many other amazing features.